
Time flies. WTF?

Here I am, most likely the only person whom will ever contribute to what started out as some pretty interesting/hilarious shit.

Things happen, life goes on, some people are just recognized for the cunts that they are. <---=LIFE

I'm going to return to blogging. No, not because I'm self-centered and honestly think that you want to read what I write. I have to write. Much like I have to draw, design, play music, game, fuck, and smoke copious amounts of cannabis. Plus, it appears, when the steam has cleared from the stinking pile of shit that is The State of the Union, some of us get to say we told you so, but at the same time, we have to tell you to wake the FUCK UP!! I'll be doing dual-duties here and at my personal blog.

Buckle up, bitch... It's time to ride the whirlwind.

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